
強力徵求 – 海外支薪實習!!!

想要去在加拿大工作,  卻苦無門路嗎?


讓Assist On 來協助你!!!

有抽到打工度假尚未出發 或是已在加拿大打工度假的台灣朋友們要注意摟

Assist On 多倫多辦公室強力徵求台灣員工!

辦公室位於多倫多是中心交通便利, 同事來自世界各地 最多部門資源.

現在開放支薪實習瞜!!  若表現良好又有意願留在加拿大 就有機會獲得正職工作

現在就快來信 Assistontaipei@gmail.com

加拿大工作機會介紹 – 亞伯達省 飯店職缺




櫃台,廚房幫手 以及 廚師
待遇:11~13 CAD / Hour

如果有興趣 趕快與我們加拿大辦公室聯繫

聯繫資訊 :

多倫多辦公室: 586 Yonge Street #201 Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1Z3

電話: 647-347-5513 / 416-535-0700 (Office)

Email: assistontaiwan@gmail.com



Company: Sports Marketing Company

Position: Research Assistant 

Length: 1 month

I worked for an uniquely positioned digital entertainment company that helps brands engage consumers online for one month, and it was such a great experience while I was in Canada.

I really wanted to work for a sports marketing company because I love sports. They had a lot of clients from sports business industry such as UFC, MLS, and NFL to provide good marketing plans.

My main task was providing the online statistics the customers wanted to know. It was not that too complicated, but I felt I affected some positive effects to the company as well as a sense of accomplishment.

While working at the company, I confronted a little bit of a communication problem. I thought that “Am I bother them?” Or “do they feel uncomfortable with me?” But they were very understanding and patient with me the way I communicated with them. At the end, I strive to adjust their business culture.

One month was too short for me to work for them but I strongly recommend others to do internship while they’re in Toronto because you can learn how to deal with unexpected problems and to communicate with other people who works in professionally in Canadian.