Doris 今天將從 Impact 畢業囉!

不知道大家對之前介紹過的一所澳洲語言學校 Impact 有沒有印象呢? Impact 最出名的課程是咖啡英語課程,而我們有個學員 Doris 在今天完成了5周的課程!

以下是來自 Impact 工作人員的 Email 信件內容:


Today was Doris’s last day at Impact and she gave the this cute card. 🙂

今天是 Doris 最後一天上課,她給了我這張可愛的小卡。

unnamed unnamed (1)

She said she will go back to Bundaberg to work in the tomato shed and I told her about my experience when I was in Bundaberg.

I was holding working holiday visa in 2007 and I was working in the tomato file as well! Talking about farm life made me remind me my good memories. 🙂

I hope she can have a fun life in Queensland and come back to Melbourne to become a good Barista!

 Please see her graduation photo!! 🙂

她說將回到 Bundaberg 繼續之前在番茄工廠的工作,我跟她分享了我以前在 Bundaberg 的經驗。我在2007年的時候也是以打工度假的身分到澳洲,而且我也曾在番茄工廠工作過!談論這些讓我回憶起以前的美好回憶。

我希望她在 Queensland 可以過得很快樂,也期待她回到 Melbourn 能成為一個好咖啡師!


unnamed (2) unnamed (3)

We took photo together. I will send you when Doris sends me back.

Also, she will write her testimonial soon. She said she was very satisfied at Impact. I will forward it once I’ve received from her.

 Thank you very much for sending us such a great student!

 Hope you have a great weekend 🙂 Thank you!

我們一起拍了照片, Doris 傳給我之後我會再寄給你的。她也即將著手寫心得,她說對於 Impact 感到很滿意,等我收到心得之後也會馬上寄給你。




看到 Doris 和同學以及 Impact 的工作人員處得這麼好,在台北的我們都覺得很感動呢~

Doris 在澳洲打工度假的工作空窗期,決定向 Assist On 申請 Impact 的咖啡英語課程。能一邊喝咖啡一邊學英文,一定是非常好的體驗呢。現在課程結束了,Doris 也準備繼續工作了。希望每個在澳洲打工度假的朋友們,除了透過工作賺錢、體驗人生之外,也能試著敞開心胸,去接納更多值得學習的事物喔!
